Life Is Not Fair

Is it true that life is not fair? Whatever your answer is, you are not wrong, but these are my viewpoints. When details are ignored, carelessness steps in, excuses take the stage of life, frustration and exhaustion lead the way, then a complaining spirit governs the soul, and people start chanting, “Life is not fair.”

How can the poorest country in the world harbor the richest people in the world? How can the richest country in the world have the poorest people on the street? Maybe it is about the fairness of life, but everyone makes their own choices and starts blaming that life is not fair.

Having witnessed over four decades of my life, growing up in Nigeria, relocating to the United States, and living in Europe, one thing that is a common factor among middle, poor, and well-to-do classes of people is the same phrase: “Life is not fair.”

These classes of people choose to complain instead of thinking through solutions, diving into the truth, and seeking answers. These sets of classes will buy what they can’t afford with money they don’t have to please people who won’t appreciate them.

These sets of people are what Jim Rohn called the 97%: those who want to take the easy route but end up on a long journey. They want shortcuts but end up being cut short. They won’t take care of their body, mind their business, or invest in their future or work on themselves than their job. Forgetting that a job is the Journey of the Broke.

These classes of people prefer jobs over businesses, forgetting that no one becomes rich by salary. They forget that SALARY stands for Something Always Low And Reducing Yield. They don’t have access to the secret that profit-sharing is better than paychecks. They prefer to watch movies rather than think of solutions and create room for creative thoughts.

These people won’t take care of themselves but trust the government to. They won’t commit to taking extra classes just to get new certifications that could help them make more money. They have energy and time to produce more children but no brains to raise them meaningfully.

Truly, life is not fair. How can some people live in penthouses, mansions, and live luxury lives while some can’t afford breakfast? How can some people wear wristwatches worth millions while some can’t afford a wall clock? How can some people afford houses all over the world while some can’t afford vacations in neighboring countries?

Here is the answer: life cannot be fair, but life rewards. The fairness of life is hidden in life’s rewards. That is, life’s reward is directly proportionate to the degree of your investment in tomorrow and self-denial today.

You can’t eat your future and expect to enjoy it when you get there. You can’t be careless about your future and expect to be celebrated when you get there. Below are the three secrets if you want life to be fair to you.

1. Be Progressive— Refuse to be stagnated in and by history. Break barriers and be baptized into the spirit of exemption.

2. Be Attentive— If you are not sensitive to your environment, you will miss out big time. You must hear what is not said, understand what is said, and stay ahead in the game of life.

3. Be Receptive— Unlearn, relearn, and learn. If you ignore knowledge, you will be limited.

Always remember, life can never be fair if you refuse to be fair to life. But life will surely reward you if you play by the rules. Don’t forget; the fairness of life is hidden in your responsibility to life.

What are your thoughts?

The Secret Man 

Rotimi Adedokun


Grace is no longer transferrable, the mantle is no longer passed down, favor is no longer duplicated, and the spirit of just men is no more made perfect. Because this generation dislike Mr. Recommendation and trivialize life’s secrets because Mr. Honor is not recognized.

Indeed, kings rule the world, but don’t forget that there are kingmakers. Politicians champion their countries, but many ignore that some people sponsor them into power. Some CEOs have the title, but the board members run the show behind the scenes.

When you see an unqualified person in the zenith of life, believe it or not, someone has opened the door. Those people are called gatekeepers. Ignore gatekeepers, and you will forever be frustrated. Ignore little janitors of life, and you will not walk on the clean floor of life. Ignore landowners, and you will never access your portion on the earth.

You may choose to ignore it or choose to embrace it, but know it and know peace. When a door is closed to you, it is because there is no one inside who is speaking for you. The doors of life are not just opened by knobs but by a person.

Honor God with your giving.

Honor Jesus Christ with your heart.

Honor your teachers with your hard work.

Honor your friends with your presence.

Honor your colleagues with your team spirit.

What Is Honor?

Honor is the cost of taking the stage of life. No matter how hard you trained, how well you labor, and how above and beyond you deliver, if no one is speaking for you where you are not allowed to or invited to talk, your efforts may end in futility.

The reason for honor is simple; honor makes you break man’s protocol and jump ahead of people who are more qualified. Always remember, without displaying the spirit of honor, it may never get to your turn.

What are your thoughts?


Rotimi Adedokun


When things appear the way they used to, you have to adjust from the ways you used to. Albert Einstein said, “It is insanity to be doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Change is a force that has the ability to unlock every chain.

When life handcuffs you, change is all you need to free yourself. When things don’t go the way you want, change is all you need to get what you want. If the whole world turns against you, change is all you need to win.

Most people don’t know these three secrets: no one owes you anything, no one is coming to save you, and no one is ready to die for you. Once you know these secrets, you will realize the probability of missing it in life is very high, but if you leverage change, you can maximize your chances and be declared the champion.

Your financial instability requires you to change to start saving. You can’t spend it all and have something to fall back on. Your marital instability requires you to change because your spouse is neither your colleague nor your subordinate. 

Therefore, change your sleep schedule, eating habits, the company you keep, your attitude toward money, the information you assimilate, your investments in life, and your expectations from life. Your attitude toward work, your spouse, and family.

Let me round off with what my mentor Jim Rohn said. He said, “For things to change, you have to change. And if you change, everything will change for you.” He continued, “Don’t wish for fewer problems; wish for more skills. Don’t wish for fewer challenges; wish for more wisdom.”

The reason for change is simple; only those who know how to yield will live to see the other side of life. Always remember, if you don’t want to remain in chains, you have to change. And don’t forget this: between chance and change is choice. 

What are your thoughts?


Rotimi Adedokun


Once you have set out to do good, evil will become your enemy. Once you have vowed to step forward, some people will vow to bring you down. Once you have decided to pursue good, evil will do its best to unleash negativity on you. You have a choice to bow out or stand up tall and face your fear. 

Whatever is worth celebrating is worth fighting for. Greatness will never be dropped in your lap. You have to fight for it, do your best to claim your portion, and never let go until you embrace it. 

In the process of striving to get what you want, go for what is possible and make your life count. You are going to face the challenges of your life. Your best friend may turn out to be your worst enemy, efforts may end up in futility. You may try and try and never have something tangible to show for it.

Your whole life might turn upside down. You may end up losing everything, finding yourself in the troubled side of life. Your expected rewards might not appear as expected, but regardless of how hard you try, do one thing: STAND.

Stand to let the world know that until you get it, you won’t let go. Stand to let the world know, that if you don’t get it, no one will. Stand to let the world know that is either you get it or you will create it. Stand to project to the world that no matter the prevailing circumstances, your attitude to life will remain stable, calm, and focused. 

What does it mean to stand:





D— Doubt

Stand to keep your marriage because what you see on social media is often fake. Reality is what happens that is not captured on camera. Stand firm and finish your classes because education might not make you a millionaire, but it makes you responsible for your bills without relying on others. 

Stand strong and train your children because that is the path to your posterity. Stand up and keep going, never let go because, for sure, your compensation is coming. 

Why must you stand? Only those who stand firm and endure the race of life will be rewarded in the end. The reason is simple; the reward of life may take time, but always remember, the laborer is worthy of his hire.

What are your thoughts?


Rotimi Adedokun


To make a mark, to be celebrated, adored, and honored, you must build. Those who ignore building something will forever pay for something without receiving tangible benefits. Building is hard, demanding, and comes with weight that sometimes results in unbearable pain. 

However, leaders don’t care about the pain; they always look past it and focus on the gain. That is why the popular saying goes, “No Pain, No Gain.”

Everything you call life today is built. Your country is constructed for posterity, securing future generations. The medical world is built to care for people’s health, the transportation industry to help the world move from point A to point B with ease. 

The food industry to feed people healthily, and the entertainment industry to help people relax, rejuvenate, and appreciate their own efforts. So, whatever you call life today is a product of what is built, either by an individual or by a group.

For example, the 10 leading Fortune 500 companies have the following builders behind them: Apple was built by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Amazon by Jeff Bezos, Microsoft by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Google by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. 

Facebook was built by Mark Zuckerberg, Tesla by Elon Musk, Berkshire Hathaway by Warren Buffett, JPMorgan Chase by J.P. Morgan, Johnson & Johnson by Robert Wood Johnson I, James Wood Johnson, and Edward Mead Johnson, and Procter & Gamble by William Procter and James Gamble.

Why must you build?

You must build to make the world a better place, imprint your name on the surface of the earth, inspire others with what is possible, and secure your posterity.

I know building is not easy, but not to be is more dangerous. Have some people built? Yes. Is it easy for them? No. Can you undergo the process? Yes. But would you give your best and start now? That is the answer I want you to comment below.

Just for situational awareness, if you don’t build, you may regret it. If you don’t build, the next generation will blame you because you will make them do your work. Mike Murdock once said, “there are two types of pains, the pain of discipline and the pain of regret.” 

Those who don’t build will embrace the latter, while the former is for builders. Always remember, it’s a builder’s world.

What are your thoughts?


Rotimi Adedokun


In 2009, my Bishop and Mentor, Dr. David Olaniyi Oyedepo, shared something that continues to resonate with me. He said, “Impact is a function of input.” Therefore, impact is not determined by rank, title, position, wealth, or accomplishment, but by input.

The question then arises, input in where? The answer is simple; people. Consider this: people are the greatest asset in life. In southwest Nigeria, there is a popular saying: Anyone who has people has enough money because people are like clothes that you need to cover your nakedness. 

God sent Jesus Christ to revive His people from the devil, and politicians need people to vote for them. Pastors need people to come to church, banks need to save their money, and businesses need customers. The people you win today will meet your needs tomorrow.

As impact is a function of input, so influence is a function of infusion. As a leader, you must ensure that something leaves you for the people you lead. Recognize the following as a leader: Your words are a seed, your availability is a seed, your presence is a seed, your compassion is a seed, and your fairness is a seed.

What Does It Mean To Be Impactful As a Leader.

I—INSPIRE people to action

M—MOTIVATE people to do more

P—Be PASSIONATE about people

A—ACCOMMODATE  people’s shortcomings


T—TREAT people with respect

How Do You Go About Your Impact?

1. Be Available

2. Invest In Them

3. Support Their Cause

4. Speak Life To Them

5. Support Their Growth

One of the life-changing pieces of advice from King Solomon is from Proverbs 27:24, which says, “For riches are not forever, nor does a crown endure to all generations.“ On this note, let me make this clear: everything has an expiration date, including all that you call yours today. 

The only way you can sustain your relevance and leadership among our people is through your impact on them.

What are your thoughts?


Rotimi Adedokun

Unveiling the Truth: A Blueprint for Success

Simplicity is synonymous with originality. Anything you can’t grasp in simple terms becomes a challenge in logical terms. Here lies the secret: if you’re not first, you are last. Unfortunately, life doesn’t provide for average living; it’s a binary reality where you’re either at the top or at the bottom.

In the school of success, failure is acknowledged, but there is no room for being average. The reason is simple: winners take it all. Everyone in the game understands that you’re either excelling, or an average life becomes an obstacle to greatness.

There is a widely circulated quote of uncertain origin: “Some people make things happen, some watch things happen, and some don’t know what is happening. But if you want to be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen.”

Let’s talk about the rule I call the 75, 20, and 5%. It means 5% dominate the world through creativity, innovation, and productivity. The 20% invest their spirit, soul, and body to bring to life the vision painted by the 5%. Finally, the 75% are a group whose time, energy, and resources are designed to serve the purpose of the 5% and keep the 20% just surviving.

The Secrets Of Life:

  • If you are not winning, you are losing.
  • If you are not leading, you are following.
  • If you are not blessing, you are cursing.
  • If you are not growing, you are groaning.
  • If you are not creating, you are consuming.

Apostle Paul shared his wisdom about the truth, stating in 2 Cor 13:8, “For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth.” This truth holds that if you don’t want to be a failure, you need to understand the rules of the successful game and play accordingly.

The reason is simple: those stuck in an average life would end up with nothing, but those striving for greatness, leaving the group of failure, and aligning with success will prevail. Always remember, if you are not first, you are last.

What are your thoughts?




I understand that nothing seems to be happening. Your expectations remain unmet, and things aren’t going as planned. I acknowledge that you’ve tried everything within your ability. The critical question is, have you considered work? Yes, have you worked?

Work is the antidote to lack. When something isn’t working, it’s usually because someone is not working. The scripture that resonated with me is Gen 2:5, “…for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground.” Through divine revelation, I interpret that where there is no one to work, God withholds His blessings. In simple terms: Work triggers God’s blessings.

-The foundation of work is the removal of shame.

-The pillar of work is planning.

-The beauty of work is team building.

-The essence of work is results.

-The peace of work is confidence.

-The dignity of work is respect.

-The demand of work is now.

-The necessity of work is change.

-The impact of work is security.

-The secret of work is opportunity.

When you work, things will not worsen.

When you work, beauty will be sustained.

When you work, peace will be restored.

When you work, assurance will be given.

When you work, promises will be guaranteed.

You must work when others are working.

You must work when others are tired.

You must work when others are resting.

You must work when others are sleeping.

You must work when others are doubting.

Work adds value to life.

Work invites joy into life.

Work brings meaning to life.

Work gives assurance to life.

Work breathes life into life.

Remember this for the rest of your life. People may not know whether you’re working or not, but they can’t deny the compensation available to workers. Work is what prevents things from getting worse.

What are your thoughts?


Rotimi Adedokun

TIME…the secrets of rewards

The prime moment to achieve greatness in this decade was three years ago; the next significant opportunity arose on January 1st, 2024—yesterday. People often say that life waits for nobody, but I beg to differ—it’s time that waits for nobody. Time is the swiftest force on Earth and the yardstick by which God measures our progress.

The only way to make your life count is to make your time count. Focus on your priorities. Your life won’t make sense if your time doesn’t. You can earn more money, enjoy better food, build stronger relationships, explore incredible places, and secure better jobs, but time cannot be increased. Therefore, time is the most valuable and must be treasured.

Time isn’t transferrable, accumulatable, or reversible. That’s why it’s the most formidable force on Earth. To value time, you must be deliberate and precise about managing it.

Imagine a daily bank account depositing $8640 every morning—that’s the daily gift from Mr. Time. Unfortunately, we often squander it, unable to carry over the unused time from yesterday to today.

Rotimi, I often overlook the blessing of daily time. Yes, you are blessed. That’s why David said, “God daily loads us with benefits” (Psalm 68:19). Here are five things you must do daily to maximize time:

1. Expect it.

2. Plan for it.

3. Don’t waste it.

4. Use it wisely.

5. Utilize it fully daily.

According to the law of use, whatever you don’t use, you lose. This applies to time as well. Therefore, anticipate time daily, plan for it meticulously, utilize it efficiently, apply wisdom in its use, and conscientiously use it all. Champions come full and leave empty in this world.

Understand this: People may not see what you do with time, but they will soon see what life does to you. You can either waste time or invest it. Life is a choice, but the wise choose wisely.

What are your thoughts?


Rotimi Adedokun

PAIN —108

This is real, and I need to talk about it. Everyone experiences some form of pain in life. While they say “no pain, no gain,” at times, the pain can be so intense that there may not be words to describe it. There are various types of pain. There is the pain of discipline, growth, birth, breakthrough, and break forth, but the most excruciating is the pain of transition.

The most frustrating scenario in life occurs when you’ve toiled, yet the person you’re grooming as your successor has a different vision, passion, energy, and understanding of life.

Then the pain of transitioning steps in, infiltrating your vision, home, and life, making you accommodate this visitor unwillingly. Unexpectedly, you find yourself living with strangers, and life becomes daily misery.

What should you do? The answer: nothing, because pain is inevitable. But trust God that you receive instruction on what to do and not to do. On this note, here are 5 life nuggets:

  1. Those avoiding right actions will soon regret it.
  2. If you neglect doing what’s right, you won’t achieve your desires.
  3. Disregarding good counsel leads to your downfall.
  4. Choosing life’s path without guidance will wastes your existence.
  5. Anytime you contribute to someone else’s pain you have automatic open your life to pain.

What to do in pain? Consider these 5 points:

  1. Entrust your worries to God.
  2. Seek guidance from God.
  3. Communicate with your successor.
  4. Liberate yourself.
  5. Pray earnestly.

Sometimes pain draws us closer to God. So trust God in the process and know everyone has a pain, so you’re not alone. Remember the law of expiration that states that whatever have a beginning always has an end. Therefore no matter what you are going through, this too shall pass.

What are your thoughts? 🤔

Rotimi Adedokun