Once you have set out to do good, evil will become your enemy. Once you have vowed to step forward, some people will vow to bring you down. Once you have decided to pursue good, evil will do its best to unleash negativity on you. You have a choice to bow out or stand up tall and face your fear. 

Whatever is worth celebrating is worth fighting for. Greatness will never be dropped in your lap. You have to fight for it, do your best to claim your portion, and never let go until you embrace it. 

In the process of striving to get what you want, go for what is possible and make your life count. You are going to face the challenges of your life. Your best friend may turn out to be your worst enemy, efforts may end up in futility. You may try and try and never have something tangible to show for it.

Your whole life might turn upside down. You may end up losing everything, finding yourself in the troubled side of life. Your expected rewards might not appear as expected, but regardless of how hard you try, do one thing: STAND.

Stand to let the world know that until you get it, you won’t let go. Stand to let the world know, that if you don’t get it, no one will. Stand to let the world know that is either you get it or you will create it. Stand to project to the world that no matter the prevailing circumstances, your attitude to life will remain stable, calm, and focused. 

What does it mean to stand:





D— Doubt

Stand to keep your marriage because what you see on social media is often fake. Reality is what happens that is not captured on camera. Stand firm and finish your classes because education might not make you a millionaire, but it makes you responsible for your bills without relying on others. 

Stand strong and train your children because that is the path to your posterity. Stand up and keep going, never let go because, for sure, your compensation is coming. 

Why must you stand? Only those who stand firm and endure the race of life will be rewarded in the end. The reason is simple; the reward of life may take time, but always remember, the laborer is worthy of his hire.

What are your thoughts?


Rotimi Adedokun

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