Grace is no longer transferrable, the mantle is no longer passed down, favor is no longer duplicated, and the spirit of just men is no more made perfect. Because this generation dislike Mr. Recommendation and trivialize life’s secrets because Mr. Honor is not recognized.

Indeed, kings rule the world, but don’t forget that there are kingmakers. Politicians champion their countries, but many ignore that some people sponsor them into power. Some CEOs have the title, but the board members run the show behind the scenes.

When you see an unqualified person in the zenith of life, believe it or not, someone has opened the door. Those people are called gatekeepers. Ignore gatekeepers, and you will forever be frustrated. Ignore little janitors of life, and you will not walk on the clean floor of life. Ignore landowners, and you will never access your portion on the earth.

You may choose to ignore it or choose to embrace it, but know it and know peace. When a door is closed to you, it is because there is no one inside who is speaking for you. The doors of life are not just opened by knobs but by a person.

Honor God with your giving.

Honor Jesus Christ with your heart.

Honor your teachers with your hard work.

Honor your friends with your presence.

Honor your colleagues with your team spirit.

What Is Honor?

Honor is the cost of taking the stage of life. No matter how hard you trained, how well you labor, and how above and beyond you deliver, if no one is speaking for you where you are not allowed to or invited to talk, your efforts may end in futility.

The reason for honor is simple; honor makes you break man’s protocol and jump ahead of people who are more qualified. Always remember, without displaying the spirit of honor, it may never get to your turn.

What are your thoughts?


Rotimi Adedokun

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