Monthly Archives: December 2019


Daily work compels future success

Failure is not an inability to achieve one’s set goal or vision, but the state of doing nothing. While success is the daily intentional activities with the mentality of productivity to achieve a set goal. Someone said, quitters don’t win, and winners don’t quit.” It’s easy to make a list of failures. Just do nothing or quit, but ensure you share your story with the world (excuses). This is the secret; winners don’t stop unless they get results. They don’t quit unless they get their hit, and they don’t back out unless they attain their height. To make the list of winners, do the following: add values daily, take steps towards your ultimate goal daily, and daily refuse any offer outside your original offer. The reason is simple; every daily continuation leads to the future contribution.

Be Positive


If you think you can, you’re right, and if you think you can’t, you’re right. The secret is this: your conclusion is the seal of your portion. The state of your heart is the secret of your life. What you can’t imagine happening will never happen. Your mental readiness with faith has an unlimited capacity for results. Living a life that is void of negativity is the beginning of a new dawn. During chaos, talk peace, in sickness project good health, and in lack speak abundance. How you response during challenges is what will determine your circumstance. The reason is simple; everything is possible if you are positive. Positivity is the mother of possibility.




The secret of living life is seriousness. Your level of seriousness will determine how high you can get and how far you can go. Therefore, get serious! It takes only a serious approach to get some great results. One major question that life will ask you is this: Are you serious? Are you serious about losing weight, living healthier, be financially free, loving your spouse, spending more time with your family, and serving God? The secret is this: Wherever seriousness is lacking, results will vacate. The reason is simple; Whatever you take too serious, will take you very serious, and give you some good results.

…be inspired, live an abundant life, and help others.

Rotimi Adedokun

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Christ For The Masses Part 2

This is part two of the Christ For The Masses, you can access part in this link

You Must Be Born Again

Pastor Mrs. Lynette Hagin said, “God’s grace shows God love for us, but our holiness shows how much we love God.” All that Jesus is requesting from you for all that He has done is to give your life to Him (Pro 23:26). It is called Be Born Again. Why born again, you ask, someone said, “those who are born twice will die once, and those who are born once will die twice.” Born again is to be born of water and of the Spirit by faith through grace. Jesus said; anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but those who believe not are condemned already. What is the condemnation? That light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil (John 3:17-19).

Below are the five reasons you must be born again







Forgiveness of Your Sin. Matt 1:21
All people have sinned, including you, and have come short of the glory of God (Is 64:6/Rom 3:23/Rom 5:12/ 1Cor 15:21). Nakedness is the end result of those who are out of God’s glory (Gen 3:9-10). Redemption is the channel at which God restores glory to His people. The main reason Christ came to this world forgive your sin (Matt 1:21). He doesn’t Judge you, He loves, and He won’t condemn you (John 3:16-17).


Guaranty of Your Wealth
Jesus Christ, who is God in the human body, posses the unbelievable wealth that the world cannot contain. That was why He shunned the devil when he tempted Him (Matt 4) because He knew that the world and all that dwell in it belongs to Him (Ps 24:1, Hag 2:6-9). This is the secret, you cannot promise someone what belongs to him, but you can give them what you have. Jesus promised you that if you seek Him and His Kingdom, all that the world is busy looking for shall be added to you (Matt 6:33). He came to this world wretched just that you may be rich (2Cor 8:9). He guarantees you of all His wealth.

Continuous and Great Results
One of the great reasons why you need to give your life to Christ is for you to have an impact on the earth. Jesus once said, those who believe in Him, we do what He did and more significant (John 14:12). Redemption, therefore, is not an escape for mediocrity but the gateway to impact your world. The two-third of the world population subscribing to the leadership of Jesus Christ. He promised you will do more, which means your impact will go from coast to coast and from generation to generation.

Take Away Your Shame
Shame is put, your inability to fulfill life’s demand. Jesus delivers from shame. He delivers the hungry from shame. He gives them meals. He delivers the widow from the shame of death, He raised her son. He delivers the adulterous woman from the shame of condemnation and sin, her accusers left the scene. He also delivers a blind man from the shame of sickness, He restores his sight. The big question is this? What your shame? The good news Jesus will today.

Guaranteed Heaven
Your life is needed to live on the earth, but to make it to heaven, you need your souls. This was why Jesus said, what will profit a man who gains the whole world and lose his soul (Mark 8:38/Matt 16:26). What that connotes is that, if you think it is okay to have anything that you want on earth by all means and forget that there is God who will judge your works, heaven for good works but hell for evil deeds. Giving your life to Jesus Christ will not only provide all that you will ever desire in this world but also promises experience after here. It is called eternity. Jesus said, “In my Father’s house are many mansions…I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may also be.” (John 14:2-3).

If I were you, I would not have a second thought about my decision to accept Jesus as my Lord and personal savior. Why you say? My answer is simple, no offer in this world could beat Jesus’ offer. If you are ready, say the prayer after me:

Redemption Prayer:
Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you for the offer that you present to me, I know that nowhere or person in this world could offer me something close. I am here just as I am. I recognize that I am a sinner, and I know you died for me and rose again to make me a complete human being. Therefore, forgive me of all wrong, make me your child, make me a better person for the sake of your kingdom. Henceforth, I give my life to you to lead, direct, and take control of me in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Congratulations, send your comment here, and I will recommend a living Bible base Church for you where you could fellowship and retain your offer.

…be inspired, live an abundant life, and help others.

Rotimi Adedokun

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Christ For The Masses Part 1

Yet another 365days of the celebration of the birth of the Christ, the man who changes the course of life. The Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, and Christian all enjoy this holiday. What then is unique about Jesus Christ. This man Jesus, healed the sick, raised the dead, feed the hungry, and blessed the poor and went back to heaven to meet His father. This man, Jesus, broke the law of economic where he feeds 5000 with five loaves and two fishes. He broke the law of physics when He walked on water. He broke the law of biology, He conceded without the combination of a man and woman. He broke the law of chemistry, He turned water to wine. He broke the law of finance, He paid His tax with the money that was retrieved from the mouth of a fish. He broke the law of mathematics, an infinite number of people, languages, kingdoms, and tribes subscribe to His gospel around the globe. He is the King of kings, He is the Lord of lords, He is the beginning and the end, the I am that I am. The Almighty that supersedes all might He is the all-knowing that knows the number of sand on the seashore. He is the only Wise God, He has no limit because He is in charge of all things. He forgives sin because He loves people. He is the richest yet; He became poor that through His poverty, you might be rich. He knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end.

Are people happy for the season or happy for the reason? No doubt this season is the season. Some say there is a reason for this season, others said it is just the regular season, but I say Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. What then different Christmas from another holiday? What propel people to buy a gift that will drop in value in less than two weeks? Parents are ready to max out their credit cards to buy that newer dresses for their Children. Airports are full of people who are prepared to fly out and spend Christmas time with friends and families. In this same season, some forget who they are and make five minutes silly enjoyment decision, that will cause them a lifetime regret. The question why Christmas?

I believe Christmas is not intended for what people think, but for what God means. Form the scripture, Christmas is simply the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Personal Savior. One of the significant prophets before His birth prophesied, saying, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…” (Is. 9:6). The above phrase, “For unto us…” I break down the Christmas to be Christ For the Masses. For unto us, a child is born (The birth of Jesus), and unto us, a son is given (the savior is given to rescue our soul). That was why John said, Jesus was the true Light, He was in the world, and the world knew him not, He came unto his own, but as many as received Him, to them He gave the power to become the sons of God (John 1:9-12). He was born as Jesus, He grew to be Christ to love the masses and pay for their sin. Today is the celebration of our high priest who understands our pain, forgives our sins, identifies with our shortcomings, and carries our burden as if they were His, only us to reign with Him in heaven. Continue with the part 2

…be inspired, live an abundant life, and help others.

Rotimi Adedokun

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Be Thankful

Bishop TD Jakes said, “Until you are thankful for what is not enough, what you have will not be more than enough.”

Thanksgiving is an appreciation for more. After my admission into the University of life, I quickly learn the following: Fullness is the cure for emptiness; Lack is the firstborn of ingratitude, and Increase is provoked by appreciation. I am very sure that you are not where you want to be, but one thing that you forgot is that you are not where you use to be. You cannot lead and follow at the same time. God is the one in charge of your destiny, starring the ship of your life. All you need to do is to enjoy sailing and appreciate the captain’s effort.

Think about last year November and December, you have a court case pending now the case is dismissed. Last year you were still a student, but now you are a graduate. Last year you were single now you are married. You celebrate your promotion and forget the promoter. You announce your success, but you neglect the one who initiated it. Those who close their eyes to little changes will never witness a significant difference. To keep seeing God’s hands, you must continually appreciate His fingers.

This is my question today; Are are you thankful? If Yes, are you giving thanks to God? If yes, are you consistent, steady, and intentional about it? I am glad you that you want to know about consistent, steady, and intentional thanksgiving. What is consistent? It is doing the same thing for an extended period, at the same time, in the same place, with the same heart and the same passion and drives with or without supervision until you get your desired results.

Consistent thanksgiving is giving thanks to God without waiting for the last Thursday in November, and December 21 of every year. I thank God for thanksgiving day and birthday celebration. Still, those who are consistent thanksgivers don’t wait for a specific day to appreciate God’s faithfulness in their lives. They just do it. The do it, anyway, anyhow and everywhere.

Steady thanksgiving is the spirit of celebration, which compels you to appreciate God’s faithfulness before, during and after chaos. Those who give God thanks during good times will be exposed in hard times. If you are only eager to give thanks when you receive pay raise, birthday, receive a bonus, then you are not a steady thanksgiver. The word steady means firm and established. Come rain come sun, you are there doing what you know how to do for God not compel or force by situation, circumstances, celebration or holidays, but by personal convictions.

Consistent and Steady thanksgiving are good, but you need to be intentional. Intentional thanksgiving is from the heart, not from the head. When you are facing the challenges life, what is in the heart will disappear, but only what is your heart will react. An intentional thanksgiving is a spirit that response in the midst of danger and fear.

Think about this, what response will you expect from a man whose airplane was about to crash? What answer do you expect from a man who was given a speed ticket while coming from church service? What response do you expect from a man who lost his job a day after sowing his whole paycheck to a church project? Listen, there are some things you cannot explain, but you have a choice to respond to situations as a thanks giver or as an ingrate.

Why me Lord is the response of an ingrate, but thank you, Jesus, is what proceeds from the mouth of a thanks-giver. Deep thought is what birth good and great response. If you are not thoughtful, you cannot be positive. If you are complaining about your seemingly negative situation, my question to you is, what if you are dead? Only those who see good in evil will have the opportunity to watch their evil turn to good. This is what David and Hezekiah said, “dead cannot praise you Lord” (Ps115:17 and Is 38:18-19). For your breath, give praise and say thank you, Lord.

The consistent drive is what you will need to pull away from the challenge of life, steady and passionate spirit is what you will need to start against the wild things of life, and intentional positive thoughts are what you will use to combat negative thoughts. This is the secret, BE THANKFUL.

Remember, thanksgiving is for thank givers who won’t stop giving thanks and always remain thankful.

…be inspired, live an abundant life, and help others.

Rotimi Adedokun

Prayer For President Trump

1 Tim 2:2-3

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.

FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump arrives for a photo opportunity with sheriffs from across the country on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, U.S., September 26, 2019. REUTERS/Erin Scott/File Photo

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we are calling your attention to the happening in our Country, the United States of America. Especially what is about to happen today, 12/18/2019. We know that when we pray, you hear us (2 Chr. 7:14/1John 5:14). We leverage on your word, in Matthew 18:18-20, agreeing with all citizens (those who fear and trust in you) of our Country that you will intervene and obstruct all witch-hunting that the enemy has unleashed against our Country.  Let the whole world know that You (God) still rules in the affair of men (Dan. 4:17). Your word says in Proverbs 19:21, “There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless, the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.” We pray today, let only Your counsel stand in the United States and in President Donald J. Trump’s life.  Please, keep President Trump in perfect peace (Is 26:3) and engrave him in the palms of my hands, even as he rests and trusts in your divine intervention during the wind of hatred that is blowing across our Country. One more thing God, we know that every counsel of Ahithophel is always regarded as authentic (2 Sam 16:23); however, we demand just like David did, that you will frustrate and turn into foolishness all Ahithophel’s counsel in the House of Representative today and let only your counsel stand in Jesus’ Name (2 Sam 16:31).


Written by Rotimi Adedokun


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The Spirit Of Joy Spirit Of Joy